My brother always break my thoughts " STOP BUILDING CASTLES IN AIR KAY".
I ignored him and again revived back to my thoughts.I'd never crave for a Ferrari car or a "canggihted" mobile or even a dozen of servants in the house. All I need is a big big mansion with cool latrines, manicured lawns,an Olympic size of non chlorinated pool, a tennis court, a facial room, a good chef and that's it.Here goes my dream house.
I would love to work for Donald Trump and earn RM 30,000 per month (not so much right),come out in national television, have my own talk show like Oprah Winfrey, help eradicate poverty, get my private jet, and last but not least have a chauffeur to drive me around.
And own the largest bookstore in the world.Wow!!!Imagine I can to peruse books everday!!!
Wake up!!!
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