Yeah,I know.Alright.Let me explain!!I know I haven't been updating for ages.Maybe for this entry-just an excerpt on what's going on lately.Yeah!!Camp did rock!!!On another note,we're(Mgs'ians) expecting another assessment soon.And frankly speaking,I'm starting from scratch.Yeah,basically that's all I can think about for now.
Moving on,I'm currently undergoing a very crucial state of amnesia.Believe it or not, in a week I misplaced two very important things:-mobile& Tupperware.
I'm really looking forward to April.Lots of exciting and ravenous things are happening.I can't wait for tennis MSSD, Sri Lethia IU Evening and of course the test.The faster it comes,the better it is.I have so much more to say but somehow the words don't seem to be forming in my brain.Words-tied huh???Or whatever you call it.............
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