This is the worst Christmas i'd ever celebrate.I woke up with some sighness as usual buut the night before i can't barely shut my eyes and sleep.I'm having breathing difficulty. Just bored as usual so thought of updating this blog. Stay at home and watch television the whole day.Went out for lunch in a coffee shop and later headed to Parkson to bid good-bye to my thai fare and tom yam. As for yesterday we went to Jaya Jusco for some shopping before school starts next week. Its my brother stuff like school uniform,shoes and bags. We had our lunch in Johnny and the tom yam there was irresistable. That night our whole family is invited for a Christmas Eve dinner in Tai Tong. Just can't wait for school to reopen.Really excited and a bit nervous too as we're attending school in the morning.Its been 2 years ago i last did that.Wonder whether i'll drag my pillow with me together to school.