Monday, April 02, 2007


Have anyone in this world wondered how hectic a life of a MGS student??????

Pimples punctuated every corner of my forehead. That is one symptom of stress.

I wonder how horrible my face will look like in two years time when i'm sitting for another important exam!!!!

Aaaarghhhhhhhhhh!!! Conclusion:Life of a student sucks.

Can the time move slower????

Loaded with projects and assignment i barely got time to even comb my hair.I've been missing school often because i'm having a terrible flu and cough which actually resulted in minor asthma.Missing school do not help me get more rest but stress. The next day when i return to school i'll need to get all my previous work done if not ..................................

My history project is due on tomorrow but yet i still have time to update my blog cuz superb Ms Lilian Tang reminded me of my poor abandoned blog. Yesterday's 1st of April-Just went for Cheng Beng. Woke up at the crack of dawn and thought that we can finish it by noon.......................but we started our journey at 7.30a.m sharp(i checked my watch) and we reach Fairy Park at noon............its about four and a half hour and i might reach penang..................the traffic was terrible..........the worst one in life...............blaring horns of vehicles became the sound of mucis on that sound pollution but anyway its April Fool!!!!I totally got fool by chiang who said that she wanted to pass something to me and asked me to wait outside my house.............but at least i get to play someone else................i told mr choo that i'm moving to penang to study and he actually believed it.................he only get to realise it at night when he mesage me again...........who knows someone reminded him that its 1st of April.................

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